Latest FromInternational Travel

Australia: Sydney seahorses

Australia: Sydney seahorses

Female seahorses have got this pregnancy caper worked out. They place their eggs, sometimes hundreds or thousands, into a special pouch in the male's stomach and let him do all the hard work while they go about their business unencumbered by kids.

Everest - Into thin air

Everest - Into thin air

To mark the 60th anniversary of the first ascent of Mt Everest, a new book published this week collects photographs from the other New Zealander in the 1953 British Everest Expedition.

The beauty of Bucharest

The beauty of Bucharest

The Romanian capital is home to two million people, with a cityscape that ranges from rundown grandeur to communist monstrosities and sleek modernism. It hums with a cosy, vibrant and seductive Byzantine charm